Here I am posting a casual blog about how I just spent this past weekend in Brussels, Belgium. Who would've ever thought they'd see the day!! Night 1 Okay, so Anna and I set off on Thursday night to the airport and boarded our (late, of course, shoutout to RyanAir) flight to Brussels. We had to walk out on the tarmac to get to the plane which made me feel famous. We arrive in Brussels and have to navigate our way to our hotel, which was right by the airport because we knew we would be getting in late at night (midnight-ish). However, we arrived to everyone speaking French. Obviously I think I've got this trip in the bag because I took French in high school (ha ha very funny of me). I don't recall too much of my high school French, but I got us to the hotel so that was a good sign. Day 1 City Hall We wake up in the morning and make our way back to the airport, on foot because we were much closer to our hotel than we thought-only about 15 or so mins of a walk. Oh ...